What is the Muscular Dystrophy Association?

If you read our first blog post about who we are and what we’re up to at Fishing for MD then you heard a lot about the Muscular Dystrophy Association. We are incredibly proud to have formed a Strategic Alliance with this incredible organization and we are excited to support their work. So what makes the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) so great? And why did Fishing for MD choose to align themselves with MDA? We give you the answers to these questions and more in this week’s blog. Learn more, below.

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Fishing For MD (Muscular Dystrophy): Who We Are and What We Do

Welcome to our brand new weekly Fishing For MD (Muscular Dystrophy) blog! At Fishing for MD, we are passionate about two things: Offshore fishing and finding a cure for Muscular Dystrophy. With that in mind, we have created an innovative way to use competitive fishing teams to raise money toward finding a cure for MD. Each week we will be using this blog to share information related to our main passion, offshore fishing, and our main goal, to fight Muscular Dystrophy. Today, learn more about who we are, what we’re about, and how we’re using our passion for fishing to fight this debilitating and all too common disease.

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