Team FFMD Highlights and Updates

At Fishing for MD, we are passionate about making a difference in the lives of others who are living with muscle disease. Since we first came up with the idea to use a competitive fishing team to support the work of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, we’ve realized we’re not alone in this passion! Many others have shown their support for what we’re doing by liking our Facebook page, following along with this blog, cheering us on at the Jimmy Johnson Billfish Tournament where we officially launched Team FFMD, and highlighting our work. Thanks to your support, we’ve been featured a few different sources over the past few weeks and we couldn’t be happier.

MDA Strongly blog

In MDA’s Strongly blog, they highlight stories from those living with muscle disease and the people who love them. They recently spoke with our founder, Paul Robertson, to find out more about why we do what we do, the thrill of the open water, and how getting involved causes connections to arise in the most unexpected places. Check out the article in its entirety here: Fishing for Muscular Dystrophy: One Man’s Passion–and Purpose.

Fishing and Hunting Journal write-up

We were excited to be featured in the February/March issue of the Fishing and Hunting Journal. Tackle Box Tim devoted his whole column to telling readers about what we’re up to and we appreciate that he took the time to learn what we’re about. Read the whole article, entitled “Awareness Through Fishing,” on page 6 of the Journal.

Everglades Boats blog

The builder of our 435cc, Everglades Boats, has been one of our most steadfast sponsors, so we were honored to be featured in their blog. They shared a great article with their readers about  what we do and why they have chosen to help support our cause.

Connect with us on social media to learn more

Want to see behind-the-scenes photos of our new Everglades 435cc in action? Interested in checking us out at an upcoming tournament or event? If so, be sure to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to learn more about what we’re up to and connect with others who care about the cause!


Join Fishing for MD in our fight to find a cure for Muscular Dystrophy! Like us on Facebook to stay up to date on upcoming events, team member updates, and corporate sponsors. And follow us on Twitter and Google+ too to help us spread awareness about muscle disease. Interested in becoming a corporate sponsor? Please contact us to learn more about how you can reach the 60 million people that are involved in the sport fishing community while supporting a great cause.